
在本届徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖的主竞赛单元中,意大利摄影师卢卡·洛卡特利(Luca Locatelli)的《未来研究》(Future Studies)系列作品成功征服了五人评审团,成为了主竞赛单元的获奖者。他由美国的摄影编辑Alica Gabriner提名。

徕卡奥斯卡·巴纳克摄影奖的新人奖面向30岁以下的摄影师,今年的新人奖颁发给葡萄牙摄影师贡伽罗·方塞卡(Gonçalo Fonseca)的《新里斯本》(New Lisbon)系列。他由西班牙策展人兼摄影编辑Silvia Omedes提名。

卢卡·洛卡特利(Luca Locatelli




卢卡·洛卡特利于1971年出生在意大利。他在完成信息技术专业的学习后,作为一名软件开发人员工作了十余年,在2006年开始从事纪实摄影师的工作。自2016年以来,他一直由国际机构代理(例如艺术家管理协会Institute for Artist Management);从2015年开始,他成为《国家地理》杂志的摄影师。在他作为摄影师和电影制作者的工作框架内,洛卡特利与记者、环保主义者和科学家合作制作一系列故事,以进一步将其研究概念化。

A worker assembling a wind turbine blade, Denmark.

13_© Luca Locatelli_Future Studies
A nuclear reactor at Kalkar was finished just before the 1986 explosion at Chernobyl, Ukraine—and never used. It’s now an amusement park with a ride in what would have been the cooling tower. Fear of nuclear power spurred Germany’s transition.

09_© Luca Locatelli_Future Studies
A portrait of Stephanie in an experimental net chamber room for insect farming at Entocycle, a startup company in London, UK. .To incite insects to lay eggs, rotten material is scattered around the floor, making it difficult to breathe without a gas mask. Here different spectra of lights are tested to measure their effect on flies and their reproduction. Entocycle is a young British company developing technology to farm insects on a large scale for industrial protein production. Representing a more sustainable and less polluting alternative to meat, these flies are fed in their larval state using organic waste coming from coffee and beer production. “The farmers of tomorrow are the engineers of today” is Entocycle’s motto and expresses the belief in the scaleability of their technology and its potential to disrupt the protein market and reduce the amount of food waste in landfills.

16_© Luca Locatelli_Future Studies

贡伽罗·方塞卡(Gonçalo Fonseca





Emília is a 93 year old woman. She lost her eye-sight ten years ago and relies on Nelita for her daily food and help with chores. “I was born here and I raised three boys in this small apartment, this is all I know. If I am evicted, how will I survive on my own in another place?” asks Emília. November, 2019

01_© Gonçalo Fonseca_New Lisbon.
A house is demolished in Quinta da Laje, a slum in Lisbon’s suburbs. June, 2019

03_© Gonçalo Fonseca_New Lisbon.
Cota Lopes, as he is known, is a former construction worker from Angola. He got injured at a construction site, and has since fallen on the path of homelessness.

05_© Gonçalo Fonseca_New Lisbon.

“我谨代表我本人和其他评审团成员(艺术总监兼摄影师Joel Meyerowitz、Fotografiska国际策展总监Pauline Benthede、ZEIT艺术总监Malin Schulz以及出版商Klaus Kehrer)祝贺今年徕卡奥斯卡-巴纳克摄影奖的获奖者。今年的作品质量都非常高,给我们留下了深刻的印象。我们也衷心感谢来自世界各地的提名者。”徕卡画廊全球执行副总裁Karin Rehn-Kaufmann说道。

