首届“中国青年摄影推广计划”征稿采用推荐制,由知名策展人、资深媒体人、批评家、高校教师等30人组成推荐委员会,推荐产生了149名摄影师的作品。从入围的149名摄影师的作品看,在语言的多样性、题材的丰富性上,基本反映了当下中国青年摄影师的创作状态。最终,10位摄影师以各自具有创造性和发展潜质的作品,从众多入围作品中脱颖而出,荣膺殊荣。 其中冯昱凭借《人人女也的故事》获得了PIP“鲲鹏奖”。
在两年多的时间里,此系列作品通过深度采访和同步肖像会谈的结合而创作。每一次会面都会产生数小时的素材,现在这些内容的精华都以展品的形式呈现出来。From Her. Stories
Experiencing the progression through one’s own lifecycle, having to cope with challenging changes at different steps has become more frequent, more radical and greater in consequence. And nowadays for many these personal, biographical challenges have been multiplied or amplified through the dramatic increase in speed that cultural, political and economic change has seen in recent years. This of course is a phenomenon that can be witnessed all over the world, but China seems to go through one of the most dramatic versions of it. Looking at Chinese women between the ages of 30 and 40, Feng Yu presents a glimpse into the lives, thoughts and emotions of some of her own generation: Family, Money, Age, health, fertility, Ego, Beauty, Violence, Success, Competition, Intimacy, Consumption and more. Abstaining from delivering any kind of analysis, interpretation or judgment, Feng Yu provides the audience with access to the worlds and minds of the portrayed, enabling the viewers to build their own understanding, draw their own conclusions, discover food for own thought.
This series was created over more than two years, through a combination of in-depth interviews and concurrent portrait sessions. Each encounter produced an abundance of material, of which the essence is presented in the form of these exhibits.